• Specialist Exhibition & Conservation Framing Works.

Specialized Exhibition and Conservation Framing

As Exhibition & Conservation Picture framers, We are dedicated to preserving and protecting art for future generations. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for craftsmanship, We ensure that each piece is carefully framed using archival materials and techniques. Here at Reidy's our goal is to not only enhance the visual appeal of your artwork but also safeguard its longevity. With years of experience in the art of framing, We take pride in our work and strive to contribute to the conservation of Artworks and more one frame at a time.

Elric Ringstad.

Word of Mouth

Spread the word to receive a 10% discount on all stretching and framing.

This offer is extended to all our new customers, If you have been referred to us by a friend we will give you a 10% discount on your order. We will also extend that same discount to the person that referred you. Our business relies heavily on word of mouth the more people you tell the better for us and more discount for you.